Roscoe’s Rangers is a good citizenship program for children up to 12 years of age. Members will receive a form for kids and parents to sign. This will also explain how the program works. Once you become a member, you will receive your card with 10 places for hole punches to completed for a free round of mini golf or tokens for arcade or other prizes ” “arcade not coming till COVID calms down.”
There are 4 levels of good behavior cards. Each time you finish a card you get to move up a level & receive a free surprise. All members can repeat the same level or choose to go to the next level. Once you make it past level 1 then all members get invited to exclusive events – each time someone from CTMG sees a Roscoe’s Ranger member – following the course rules and being kind or respectful to others – having good attitude & manners or other “good deeds” then they get a “hole punch” on their current membership card – but if we see the Roscoe Ranger’s member not following the rules of play or not acting nice and having bad manners or bad attitude – then the card is taken away & they have to start over – the parents can help with letting us know about “bad behavior.”